Renascence Water Bank, IFLA AAPME Project 2018
This project restored a 1.5km long wetland on the eastern riparian edge of the largest lake of Yunnan Province–Dian Lake which has been heavily polluted for decades. After completion, the water discharged to Dian Lake was purified and pollutants were reduced to a larger extent. Meanwhile, based on site vegetation, wind speed, aquatic habitats requirements and human activities, the breakwater which blocked the material and energy exchange of land-wetland-lake ecosystem was demolished in 3 landscape-dominated ways. Thus, the riparian edge habitats were rehabilitated, biodiversity increased, existing heritage trees were reserved and public space for recreation and ecological education was created.
The wetland system is capable of treating 60,000m ³ wastewater per day and CODs,BODs,NH4-N,TP,TN were reduced by 46%,40%,16%,32%, 8% respectively. Black-headed gull and other wildlife have returned which is a testament and compliment to the restored natural systems, wetland systems, and habitats of the site.
This project is unique and pioneering due to collaboration between landscape architects and other specialists and also the role of landscape architects leading it to an eco-friendly and human-friendly landscape-dominated project rather than an engineering-dominated project. Innovative wetland rehabilitation and water treatment are paired with integrated public realm design which restored the ecological system, raise the awareness of protecting Dian Lake and engaged the public in the Dian Lake protection campaign.
Project Name: Renascence Water Bank, Dounan Wetland Park
Landscape Architecture Firm: Tsinghua Holdings Human Settlements Environment Institute and Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute